Indlead specializes in providing high-quality leads of individuals and businesses seeking website development or revamp services. We connect clients with the right resources to ensure seamless and effective web solutions, tailored to meet their unique needs.
We never share leads if you want. you can take as much leads as possible which only belongs to you.
Through out our client base we are consistently securing a strong response rate of 45%, as evidenced by the sales sheets provided by our clients for response tracking.
We have served more than 42 clients within last 3 months from three major countries UK, India & Singapore.
We maintain comprehensive records of all the leads we deliver to you. Each lead is required to complete a form before being passed on to ensure accuracy and relevance.
We only deal in Website services leads from defined countries only. It makes us easy to focus upon what is required.
Unlock new opportunities with targeted leads for exceptional web development services.
The highest ROI we achieved is 14X.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Served more than 42 clients from 3 different countries UK, Singapore and India, which shows our work.
Having a response rate of 45% on the basis of clients slaes sheet. so, out of 100 leads 45% are responsive at least.
Out of our 42+ clients we have retain more than 62% within these 3 months. It shows that we are providing something good.
Leads are actually better compared to others. Rishabh connected with me on email and then we had a Google meet, I really didn't get a very good response in the first 5 leads but later leads started performing well and closed 8 projects within the first 100 leads.
Rishabh asked me to put Google reviews but really good leads for web services. Really recommended for a try.
Indlead expert team delivers targeted prospects that convert. Boost your sales pipeline and achieve your business goals.
I am a freelancer. it is hard for us to find projects but they help me. so, grateful for that. One thing is good they are improving leads quality day by day. so, I appreciate that
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Connect with us to gain access to a tailored network of high-quality leads, expert insights, and dedicated support, ensuring your web services stand out in a competitive market.